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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Blog Posts

Flood Preparedness - Prevention and Recovery

9/12/2023 (Permalink)

The Pacific Northwest is known for its abundant rainfall, which can lead to flooding in certain areas. Flooding can cause extensive damage to homes and properties, disrupt daily life, and pose risks to personal safety. Being prepared for floods and knowing how to prevent and recover from them is crucial. In this blog post, we will explore flood preparedness strategies, including prevention and recovery, specific to the Northwest region.

Know Your Risk

The first step in flood preparedness is understanding the flood risks in your area. Check flood maps and consult with local authorities to determine if your property is located in a flood-prone zone. This information will help you assess the steps you need to take to protect your property adequately.

Standard homeowners' insurance policies typically do not cover flood damage. It is essential to purchase separate flood insurance to ensure that you are financially protected in the event of a flood. Contact your insurance provider to discuss your options and obtain the necessary coverage.

Protect Your Property

  • There are several measures you can take to protect your property from flood damage:
  • Elevate Electrical Systems: Raise electrical switches, sockets, circuit breakers, and wiring at least one foot above the projected flood level to prevent electrical damage and potential fires.
  • Install Sump Pumps: Sump pumps can help remove water from your basement or lower level, reducing the risk of water damage.
  • Seal Foundation Cracks: Inspect your foundation for any cracks and seal them to prevent water seepage.
  • Clear Gutters and Downspouts: Regularly clean and maintain your gutters and downspouts to ensure proper water flow and prevent overflow that could cause water to enter your home.
  • Install Backflow Valves: Consider installing backflow valves in plumbing lines to prevent sewage backup into your home during flooding.

Create an Emergency Kit

In the event of a flood, it is important to have an emergency kit readily available. Your kit should include essential items such as:

  • Non-perishable food and bottled water
  • Prescription medications
  • Flashlights and extra batteries
  • First aid supplies
  • Important documents (insurance policies, identification, etc.) stored in a waterproof container
  • Extra clothing and blankets

Develop an Evacuation Plan

Have a clear evacuation plan in place in case you need to leave your home during a flood. Identify evacuation routes, establish a meeting point for family members, and ensure everyone knows the plan. Stay tuned to local news and emergency alerts for the latest updates during a flood event.

Mitigate Flood Damage

If your property is impacted by flooding, it is important to take immediate action to mitigate damage:

  • Turn off electrical power at the main breaker if it is safe to do so. Do not touch electrical equipment if you are standing in water.
  • Remove water and dry out affected areas as soon as possible. Use pumps, wet vacuums, and dehumidifiers.
  • Dispose of any items that cannot be properly cleaned or dried, as they may become breeding grounds for mold and bacteria.
  • Consult with professionals for water damage restoration to ensure thorough cleanup and prevent future issues.
  • Stay informed about flood alerts, weather conditions, and emergency instructions. Follow local news and official sources for updates. Consider signing up for emergency alerts through your local government or emergency management agency.

By being prepared and taking preventive measures, you can minimize the impact of floods on your property. In the event of a flood, take immediate action to mitigate damage and consult with professionals for proper cleanup. By being proactive, you can protect your property and ensure the safety of yourself and your loved ones during flood events in the Northwest.

Fire Detection and Suppression Systems: Enhancing Fire Preparedness for Your Company

8/14/2023 (Permalink)

When it comes to protecting your company and its assets, fire preparedness is of utmost importance. Fire detection and suppression systems play a vital role in mitigating fire risks and minimizing potential damage. In this article, we will explore the significance of fire detection and suppression systems, their key components, and how they enhance fire preparedness for your company.

The Importance of Fire Detection Systems

Fire detection systems are the first line of defense in identifying fire incidents early on. They provide prompt alerts, allowing for quick response and evacuation, reducing the potential for injuries and property damage. Installing a reliable fire detection system is essential for enhancing fire preparedness.

Types of Fire Detection Systems

  1. Smoke Detectors: These systems detect smoke particles and trigger alarms. They are widely used and highly effective in detecting fires, especially in areas with smoldering fires or slow-burning materials.
  2. Heat Detectors: Heat detectors sense rapid increases in temperature and activate alarms. They are ideal for environments where smoke detectors may trigger false alarms, such as kitchens or dusty areas.
  3. Flame Detectors: Flame detectors use sensors to detect the presence of flames, providing early warning in situations where smoke or heat detectors may not be as effective.

Fire Suppression Systems

Fire suppression systems are designed to control or extinguish fires automatically. They can significantly limit fire spread and damage, enhancing safety and minimizing downtime. Some commonly used fire suppression systems include:

  1. Sprinkler Systems: Sprinkler systems activate when heat triggers the sprinkler heads, releasing water to suppress or extinguish the fire.
  2. Clean Agent Systems: These systems use specialized gases or chemicals to quickly suppress fires while minimizing damage to sensitive equipment or assets.
  3. Foam Systems: Foam-based systems create a blanket-like layer over the fire, suppressing flames and preventing re-ignition.

Integrating Detection and Suppression Systems

To maximize fire preparedness, it is crucial to integrate fire detection and suppression systems. When a fire is detected, the system can automatically activate the appropriate suppression system, providing an immediate response and increasing the chances of successful fire containment.

Maintenance and Testing

Regular maintenance and testing of fire detection and suppression systems are essential for ensuring their reliability. Schedule routine inspections, detector calibration, and system checks to identify any potential issues and ensure that the systems are in optimal working condition.

Compliance with Regulations and Standards

When installing fire detection and suppression systems, it is vital to comply with local fire safety regulations and industry standards. Engage professionals who are knowledgeable about the specific requirements to ensure proper system design, installation, and ongoing compliance.

Employee Training and Awareness

While fire detection and suppression systems are crucial, it's equally important to educate employees about their functionality, evacuation procedures, and the proper use of fire safety equipment. Conduct regular fire drills and training sessions to enhance employee preparedness and response in case of a fire emergency.

Investing in fire detection and suppression systems is an integral part of enhancing fire preparedness for your company. These systems provide early detection, swift response, and effective fire suppression, minimizing the potential for injuries, property damage, and business disruptions. By integrating these systems, conducting regular maintenance, complying with regulations, and educating employees, you can significantly improve your company's ability to handle fire incidents and protect the well-being of your employees and assets. Prioritize fire safety and be proactive in implementing robust fire detection and suppression systems for a safer and more secure workplace.

6 Things You Should Know About Water Damage

7/18/2023 (Permalink)

Water damage is a common and often devastating occurrence that can wreak havoc on homes and businesses alike. Understanding the key aspects of water damage is crucial for prompt and effective mitigation. In this blog, we will explore six essential things you should know about water damage, equipping you with the knowledge to take immediate action and minimize the impact of such incidents.

Water Damage Can Occur Anywhere

Water damage is not limited to areas prone to flooding or extreme weather. It can happen in any location and for various reasons, such as plumbing failures, roof leaks, appliance malfunctions, or even human error. Being aware of the potential risks and taking preventive measures is essential to protect your property.

Act Quickly to Mitigate Damage

Time is of the essence when it comes to water damage. The longer water sits, the greater the damage becomes. Promptly addressing the issue by shutting off the water source, removing standing water, and initiating the drying process can significantly reduce the extent of damage and prevent secondary issues like mold growth.

Water Damage Extends Beyond the Visible

While the immediate signs of water damage may be evident, such as wet floors or soaked furniture, there could be hidden damage as well. Water can seep into walls, flooring, and structural components, leading to structural instability and potential health hazards. Professional assessment and moisture detection tools are necessary to identify and address hidden water damage.

Contaminated Water Poses Risks

Not all water is the same when it comes to damage. Contaminated water, such as sewage backups or water from natural disasters, can contain harmful bacteria, viruses, or chemicals. This type of water damage requires specialized cleanup procedures to ensure the safety of occupants and prevent the spread of disease.

Restoration Requires Professional Expertise

Proper water damage restoration goes beyond just drying out the affected areas. It involves thorough cleanup, decontamination, structural repairs, and addressing any mold or mildew growth. Engaging the services of a professional disaster restoration company ensures the restoration process is done correctly, minimizing long-term damage and health risks.

Insurance Coverage and Documentation

Water damage can be a costly affair, but insurance coverage may help mitigate the financial burden. It is essential to understand your insurance policy's coverage for water damage and document the incident thoroughly with photographs, videos, and written descriptions. Promptly filing a claim and providing accurate documentation can expedite the reimbursement process.

If you encounter water damage in your home or business, it is crucial to contact a professional disaster restoration company like SERVPRO of Denver East. Our experienced team is equipped with the knowledge and resources to handle all aspects of water damage restoration, providing you with peace of mind during the recovery process.

For expert water damage restoration services, contact SERVPRO of Denver East. We are available 24/7 to assist you in times of water damage emergencies.

Tips for Preventing Water Damage in Your Home

6/11/2023 (Permalink)

When a windstorm strikes, it can cause significant damage to your property. High winds can damage roofs, siding, windows, and doors, and even knock down trees and power lines. As a homeowner, it's important to be prepared for the potential damage that a windstorm can cause and take necessary precautions to minimize it.

Windstorms are among the most destructive natural disasters. They can cause damage to both residential and commercial properties, resulting in significant financial losses for property owners. The potential damage that windstorms can cause is vast and includes the following.

Roof Damage

One of the most common types of wind damage is roof damage. High winds can lift and tear off shingles, leaving your roof exposed to the elements. This can lead to water damage, which can be costly to repair. To prevent this type of damage, it's important to have your roof inspected regularly and make any necessary repairs or replacements.

Structural damage

High winds can damage the structure of a building, including walls, windows, and doors. This can compromise the safety of the property and require extensive repairs. Siding can also be damaged by high winds. Strong gusts can loosen or break siding panels, leaving your home vulnerable to water damage and other issues. To prevent this type of damage, consider installing impact-resistant siding or taking other steps to reinforce your existing siding. Additionally, you should inspect your siding regularly and make any necessary repairs as soon as possible.

Falling trees or branches

During a windstorm, trees and branches can be uprooted or broken and fall onto homes, cars, or power lines, causing significant damage. Windstorms can pick up debris and hurl it at high speeds, causing damage to windows, doors, and walls. Windstorms can also cause damage to trees and vegetation. High winds can snap tree limbs, uproot trees, and knock down power lines. This can cause power outages, property damage, and even injuries or fatalities. It is important to inspect your trees and landscaping before a windstorm hits and remove any dead or weakened branches. This can help prevent them from falling and causing damage to your property or injuring people.

Power outages

Windstorms can knock down power lines, causing power outages that can last for days. Windstorms can cause fires by knocking down power lines or by spreading flames from nearby fires.

If you live in an area prone to windstorms, it's important to prepare your property for potential damage. To minimize the potential damage a windstorm can cause to your property, it is important to take preventative measures.  This can include securing loose items in your yard, trimming trees and branches, and reinforcing your roof and windows. Additionally, it's crucial to have a plan in place in case of a windstorm, such as identifying a safe room in your home and having emergency supplies on hand.

How to Remove Mold from HVAC Systems and Ducts: A Guide from a Disaster Restoration Expers

5/15/2023 (Permalink)

Two SERVPRO vans parked outside. By following these steps and being proactive about addressing mold issues, you can keep your home or business safe and prevent costly damage.

As a disaster restoration expert, dealing with mold in HVAC systems and ducts is a common problem that can have serious consequences if left untreated. Mold growth can lead to unpleasant odors, reduced air quality, and structural damage to your home or business. If you suspect that your HVAC system or ducts have mold, it's important to take action as soon as possible to prevent the mold from spreading and causing further damage.

Getting Professional Help

The first step is to have your HVAC system inspected by a professional mold remediation company, such as SERVPRO of Denver East. They can assess the extent of the mold damage and recommend the best course of action. Depending on the severity of the problem, they may recommend cleaning or replacing affected components, or even replacing the entire HVAC system.

Preventing Mold Growth

To prevent mold growth from returning, it's important to take steps to control moisture in your home or business. This may include fixing leaks or water damage, improving ventilation, and using dehumidifiers in areas where moisture is a problem.

Regular Maintenance is Key

Regular maintenance of your HVAC system is also important in preventing mold growth. This may include replacing filters regularly, cleaning ducts and vents, and having your system inspected by a professional on a regular basis.

Why You Need a Professional Mold Remediation Company

It's important to note that attempting to remove mold from your HVAC system or ducts on your own can be dangerous and ineffective. Without the proper equipment and training, you risk spreading mold spores and causing further damage to your HVAC system. This is why it's essential to hire a professional mold remediation company to handle the job.

When choosing a mold remediation company, be sure to do your research and choose a reputable company with experience in HVAC mold remediation. Ask for references and check online reviews to ensure that the company has a track record of success in removing mold from HVAC systems and ducts. By working with a professional, you can ensure that the mold is safely and effectively removed from your HVAC system, preventing further damage and ensuring the health and safety of your home or business.

Preventing Mold Growth in HVAC Systems and Ducts

By following these steps and being proactive about addressing mold issues, you can keep your home or business safe and prevent costly damage. Remember to work with a professional mold remediation company and take steps to control moisture and maintain your HVAC system to prevent mold growth from returning.

What to Throw Away After a Fire: A Guide to Post-Fire Cleanup

4/12/2023 (Permalink)

The aftermath of a fire can be devastating, leaving behind a trail of destruction, smoke, soot, and toxic chemicals. In this blog, we will discuss the items that should be thrown away after a fire to ensure the safety of you and your family.

Section 1: Food and Perishables

The first thing that should be thrown away after a fire is any food that was exposed to smoke or heat. Even if the food is sealed or packaged, it can still be contaminated by toxic chemicals or bacteria.

Section 2: Clothing and Textiles

Clothing and other textiles should also be thrown away if they have been exposed to smoke or soot. Smoke and soot can penetrate fabrics and become trapped, making it difficult to remove the odor and stains.

Section 3: Furniture and Household Items

Furniture and other household items should also be thrown away if they have been damaged beyond repair by fire or smoke. This includes sofas, chairs, mattresses, and other upholstered items.

Section 4: Electronics and Electrical Items

Electronics, appliances, and other electrical items should also be thrown away if they have been exposed to fire or smoke.

Section 5: Medications and Cosmetics

Medications and cosmetics should also be thrown away if they have been exposed to heat or smoke.

Section 6: Severely Damaged Items

Finally, any items that are severely damaged or charred should be thrown away. These items may be beyond repair and may pose a safety hazard if kept.

Section 7: Proper Procedures for Disposal

When disposing of items after a fire, it is important to follow proper procedures to ensure that they are disposed of safely and in compliance with local regulations.

Section 8: Cleaning and Disinfecting Salvageable Items

It is important to thoroughly clean and disinfect any items that can be salvaged after a fire. This includes dishes, utensils, and other kitchen items, as well as non-porous surfaces such as countertops and flooring. For porous items such as clothing, bedding, and curtains, it is best to have them professionally cleaned. By taking these steps, you can salvage some of your belongings and ensure that they are safe to use.

Section 9: Preventing Future Fires

Taking steps to prevent future fires is an important part of the post-fire cleanup. One of the most important steps is to install smoke detectors in every room of your home and ensure they are in proper working order. It is also important to have a fire escape plan and practice it regularly with your family. Additionally, make sure that all electrical wiring and appliances are up to code and properly maintained. Avoid using flammable materials and chemicals inside your home, and always extinguish cigarettes and candles properly. By taking these precautions, you can reduce the risk of a future fire and protect your family and property. 

In conclusion, it is important to work with a professional fire damage cleanup company to ensure that all contaminated items are repaired or disposed of safely and properly. By taking these steps, you can restore your property to its pre-fire condition and ensure the safety of your family.

What To Do If Your Water Heater Is Making Noises

3/12/2023 (Permalink)

A water heater is an important appliance that provides hot water for a variety of household needs, including washing dishes, doing laundry, and taking showers. However, if you start hearing strange noises coming from your water heater, it can be cause for concern. In this blog post, we will discuss what to do when your water heater is making noises.

Step 1: Determine the Type of Noise

The first step in addressing a noisy water heater is to determine the type of noise you are hearing. Is it a rumbling or popping sound? Is it a hissing or whistling sound? The type of noise can help identify the source of the problem.

Rumbling or popping sounds are often caused by sediment buildup in the tank. This can lead to overheating and damage to the tank if left unchecked. Hissing or whistling sounds, on the other hand, may indicate a leak in the tank or a malfunctioning pressure relief valve.

Step 2: Turn Off the Water Heater

Once you have identified the type of noise, the next step is to turn off the water heater. This will prevent any further damage from occurring and ensure your safety while you investigate the problem.

Step 3: Inspect the Tank

Carefully inspect the tank for any signs of damage or leaks. If you notice any cracks or leaks, you will need to call a professional plumber to repair or replace the water heater.

If you don't see any visible signs of damage, you may need to flush the tank to remove sediment buildup. To do this, turn off the water supply to the tank and attach a hose to the drain valve at the bottom of the tank. Open the valve and let the water drain out until it runs clear.

Step 4: Check the Pressure Relief Valve

If the noise is caused by a malfunctioning pressure relief valve, you will need to check the valve and replace it if necessary. To do this, turn off the power and water supply to the tank and remove the valve. Inspect it for any signs of damage or debris, and replace it if necessary.

Step 5: Call a Professional

If you are unsure about what is causing the noise or if you are uncomfortable performing any of the above steps, it is best to call a professional plumber. They can diagnose the problem and recommend the best course of action to repair or replace the water heater.

In conclusion, if your water heater is making noises, it is important to act quickly to prevent any further damage and ensure your safety. Determine the type of noise, turn off the water heater, inspect the tank, check the pressure relief valve, and call a professional if necessary. By following these steps, you can keep your water heater running smoothly and avoid any costly repairs or replacements.

How to Find Your Home's Main Water Shut-Off Valve

2/28/2023 (Permalink)

A main water shut-off valve is a crucial piece of equipment that can be the difference between a complete disaster and a relatively easy cleanup. While you should always keep emergency contact numbers near your phone, knowing where your main water shut-off is located in case of an emergency can help save time, money, and stress.

Find the water shut-off valve inside your home

After discovering a leak, the first thing you should do is locate and shut off the main water valve in your home. The water shut-off valve is typically located on the perimeter of your home, usually in a basement, garage, or utility room. Remember, shutting off this valve will cut off the water to the entire house.

Shut off the water close to the source

Toilets, sinks, washing machines, and dishwashers are all common places for leaks to occur. If any of these appliances spring a leak or become otherwise damaged or broken, it would be in your best interest to shut off their corresponding water valves as soon as possible. Here is where you should look for a shut-off valve:

Sink - The shut-off valve is usually right under the sink, attached to the wall.

Toilet - Look underneath your toilet or against the wall behind your toilet to locate the shut-off valves.

Washing Machine - The shut-off valves are most often located behind the washing machine. They are either clearly visible on the wall. If not, you will need to slide the washing machine out from its position to locate the valves.

The shut-off valves should all be easy to find and access. It should also be simple enough for you—or anyone else who might need access—to turn them on their own without much effort.

Find the water shut-off valve outside your home

The next step is to locate the main water shut-off valve outside your home. It will usually be located where your property meets the street or sidewalk and is often marked by a metal or plastic utility box. If you can't find this box on your own, you can contact your local plumber or water cleanup professional to get more information about locating it. Once you've found it, open the lid of this box, and turn the valve.

Locating the water shut-off valve is important

The first step to knowing how to find your home's main water shut-off valve is to know what areas to look in. If there’s an emergency, like a burst pipe or flooding in the basement, you'll want to know where this valve is located so that you can turn off the water supply until repair crews arrive.

The water shut-off valve is one of the most important items you should have in your home. It's easy to find, but make sure that you know where it is and how to use it so that you can turn off your water if there's an emergency. The water shut-off valve can be located inside or outside your home.

Your Home's Most Vulnerable Areas

1/18/2023 (Permalink)

Green SERVPRO van parked outside. If you have ever wondered what makes up a home's most vulnerable areas during a storm, then keep reading!

The weather can be very unpredictable. In fact, it's because of this unpredictability that we need to know how to handle ourselves accordingly during storms. One of the best ways to do this is by making sure your home has all the necessary components in place in order to withstand any size storm. If you have ever wondered what makes up a home's most vulnerable areas during a storm, then keep reading!


Roofs are the most vulnerable areas in a home during storms. They have the largest exposure to wind and precipitation, which can lead to significant damage if not properly protected before and repaired after a storm.

The most common roof damage is from shingles to blow off and for the roof to leak. This is due to the fact that roofing materials are not waterproof, so when they are exposed to high winds and heavy downpours, they can easily be damaged.

Roofs also need to be properly insulated and ventilated, as well as properly drained. Insulation helps keep heat inside the home during cold temperatures, while ventilation allows airflow so that moisture does not build up. The roof should be sealed from the outside environment to prevent moisture from entering through cracks or holes in the structure.


Siding is the exterior covering of a home. It usually covers walls and the parts of your roof that are visible from the ground. Siding can be made of wood, vinyl, fiber cement, or aluminum. These materials are susceptible to damage from strong winds and high water levels during storms.


Your home’s windows are incredibly vulnerable areas during a storm. Windows are susceptible to damage from wind and flying debris, as well as water damage if they leak. Check your windows for signs of wear and tear. Are they leaking? Do the seals around the frames look worn out? If so, it may be time to replace them with new ones! Replace cracked or missing panes with required safety glazing material(s), such as laminated glass or tempered glass (this is recommended by code officials in many jurisdictions).

Soffits and Gutters

Soffits and guttering are the most vulnerable areas of a home after a storm. If they're damaged, they can cause water to leak into your walls. You should inspect your soffits and gutters regularly for any signs of damage or wear, such as rusting or crumbling around the edges. This is especially important if you live in an area prone to storms.

Doors and Door Frames

A door and its frame are the weakest areas of your home. In fact, they're one of the first things to break in a storm, which can lead to water infiltration and subsequent damage to your interior walls and flooring. When a storm hits, you should take extra precautions by securing your doors with a wedge or bar in order to keep them from blowing open.

If you’re planning on staying at home during the storm, it’s a good idea to know what parts of your house are most vulnerable. If your Denver home is damaged by a storm, SERVPRO of Denver East is here to help you get back to normal!

3 Signs You Need Mold Remediation

12/16/2022 (Permalink)

Wall of a bedroom with black spots of mold Water damage can lead to mold growth if not treated quickly.

Mold can be a big problem. If you see signs of mold in your home, it's best to get it taken care of as soon as possible. Unfortunately, most people don't know what to look for when they notice a potential mold issue. So how do you know if you need mold remediation? Here are some common signs that may indicate your property has become infested with mold:

1. Strange Smells

If you notice a musty odor in your home, it could be the result of mold. Mold can grow almost anywhere and often has an earthy smell. You may also notice that the smell gets stronger when it's humid outside. If you've noticed a damp or musty odor coming from your basement or bathroom, this could be an indication that something is growing on your walls or ceiling (or both).

2. Recent Water Damage

If you have water damage from a flood or a leak, whether it’s a full-blown flood or just some water collecting on your floor, that could be an indication that mold is growing in your home. The severity of the problem will determine whether or not you need mold remediation.

If you have only one small area of moisture buildup, then there are likely no worries about mold developing. But if you have an entire room filled with standing water, then there's cause for concern.

3. Change in Color

Mold can be a wide variety of colors, ranging from green to brown and black. If you notice that your walls are changing color or are becoming darker than they used to be, this may be a sign that mold is present.

Did you recently find mold on your property?

Mold can appear in a variety of ways, including on the surface of materials or hidden behind walls, in the attic, or even in the basement. It is often difficult to spot and can be tough to identify when it’s growing inside your Glendale, CO home. 

Is the problem spreading?

If you've discovered mold in your home, it's important to be aware that it can spread quickly. Mold spores are microscopic and can travel through the air. If mold is growing somewhere in your home, it might be spreading to other areas. Mold spores are small enough to carry around on clothing or shoes; so even though you didn’t go anywhere near where there was visible mold growth before discovering black spots on some items in your closet, there's still a chance those black spots come from something lurking within an unwelcoming corner of some other part of your home!

The best way to prevent this from occurring is by hiring a professional for remediation services as soon as possible after discovering signs of mold growth.

Even small mold problems can become big ones.

Mold is a common problem in humid environments, like bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry rooms. And while it may seem like a small problem at first, it can easily become a big one. Not only does mold cause health problems for you and your family, but if left untreated it can spread quickly throughout your home.

If you see any signs of mold on the walls or floorboards of your home – especially if they smell musty – contact a professional right away. Don't wait until the situation becomes worse!

Reasons Why Your Dishwasher Might Be Leaking

11/14/2022 (Permalink)

Leaking Dishwasher

When your dishwasher is leaking, it can be an annoying experience. It can also be very frustrating. You want to get your dishwasher back up and running again so that you can use it. However, sometimes repairing a leaking dishwasher is not as simple as just replacing the part that needs to be replaced; there are a few other steps that you should take before making any repairs. Take this article with you as we walk through how to fix a leaking dishwasher step by step so that yours will no longer leak!

Overfilling and Detergent

Use the correct amount of detergent and don’t overfill your dishwasher. You should only fill the detergent spot to about one-third of its capacity. You also want to make sure that you don’t put too many dishes in at once. It may also help to make sure that you have used a rinse aid.

Clogged Vent and Drain Paths

You might also have a clogged vent and drain path. This can be caused by a clogged dishwasher drain line, which is often caused by food debris that gets stuck in the hose and then blocks it up. Also, if you don’t clean out your dishwasher regularly, eventually the food debris will build up and cause a blockage.

You can check this by removing the bottom panel of your dishwasher (the one with all of those wheels on it) to see if there is any blockage there. If you find some food debris inside, remove it with tweezers or needle nose pliers before running another cycle without any dishes inside — this will allow all of that water from rinsing to drain properly so that your dishwasher won’t flood again later on down the road!

Clogged Spray Arm Holes

The next thing to check is the spray arm. It may have become clogged with food or other debris, preventing water from reaching it. If your dishwasher does not have a removable spray arm, you will need to replace the entire dishwasher if this is the problem.

If you are able to remove the spray arm, inspect it for any signs of clogs or damage and clean it as necessary before reinstalling it into your machine.

Loose/Worn Gasket/Seals

The first thing to check is the gasket around your dishwasher door. If it's torn or worn, you'll want to replace it with a new one. Make sure that all of your seals are intact and not torn or stretched out in any way- this can make them unable to properly seal against water pressure, which will cause leaks. Check that the drain hose isn't clogged with debris or food particles as well; if so, clean out any debris using warm water and soap before using your machine again.

Loose Supply Line Connection

If you're one of the lucky ones and your dishwasher is still under warranty, you might be able to get it fixed for free. If not, then you'll have to pay for repairs yourself. In that case, here are some tips on how to prevent this problem from happening again:

  • Check the supply line connection periodically for looseness. If it's loose, tighten it with pliers or an adjustable wrench until all play is gone from the connection.
  • Replace worn-out gaskets around your faucet (the threaded ring under your handle). These gaskets can wear out over time and cause leaks in your supply lines and elsewhere in your sink as well!

In order to ensure that the leak doesn't get any worse, turn off the water supply before doing anything else. Then, remove all items from inside of it so that they won’t be damaged by water or other debris while you work on fixing it (also make sure they are dry before storing them). If there are any tools in your dishwasher that may cause injury if they fall out accidentally (like a knife), move them outside of its working space so that they aren’t accidentally activated when opening up the door or removing items from inside it later on down below once everything has been repaired successfully too!

We hope you learned a new thing or two about dishwasher leaks, and that you can now identify the problem! Weeny our dishwasher overflows and floods your kitchen, give SERVPRO of Denver East & Southwest a call, and we will get your Denver, CO home back to normal as soon as possible!

Creating an Office Fire Escape Plan

10/7/2022 (Permalink)

Creating a Fire Escape Plan For Your Workplace

When it comes to fire safety, there are many things you should do. You need to check smoke alarms and practice your fire drill twice a year—and that's just a start. One of the most important steps you can take is creating an emergency escape plan and practicing it with all employees at least twice a year. Here are some tips for creating a fire escape plan for your workplace:

Create a Plan Before the Emergency 

Creating a fire escape plan should be done before you have an emergency. If you wait until there's a fire, it will be much more difficult to come up with the best way to get everyone out safely. A good plan is simple and practical, so everyone can follow it easily in an emergency situation. You should also make sure that all employees know about your plan and practice using it regularly, so they'll know what to do when they need to use it.

Your fire escape plan should include:?

  • A diagram of all exits from the building or room you're in (how many doors are there? Where do they lead?)
  • A list of items that could block those exits (furniture or equipment) and how these things will be moved aside before fleeing through them (if possible)
  • Directions for escaping through each exit by floor level if necessary (for example: "Go down one flight of stairs and exit at the end of this hallway")

Designate a Meeting Place Outside

You should be prepared to meet outside. Go outside and move at least 100 feet away from the building. If there is smoke or fire in the stairwell, go back up to your office and wait until help arrives.

Test Smoke Alarms Monthly

Test and check your smoke alarms monthly. Smoke alarms should be tested by pressing the test button on the unit at least once a month. If it goes off, make sure that it's working properly and replace it if needed. If you are in a building with multiple floors, check all smoke alarms on each level of the building to make sure they're working properly and not sounding false alarms when there isn't a fire (for example, if you've been cooking something particularly smoky).

Practice your fire drill twice a year and include all your employees.

You should practice your fire drill twice a year, including all employees. If you have more than one location, it is important to have them coordinated so that they are as close to the same time as possible.

In addition to practicing the actual fire escape plan, make sure that everyone knows where the nearest exit doors are located in case there is an emergency and they need to evacuate immediately in their offices or conference rooms.

An effective escape plan can save lives in an emergency, like a fire in your business. You must have a fire escape plan for every employee and visitor in the building. Having this information available can help you make decisions about how best to handle emergencies and what to do if you are trapped by flames or smoke.

We hope that by reading this article, you have learned how to create an effective fire escape plan for your Denver home. By following these steps and setting up a regular practice schedule with your employees, you can make sure that everyone is prepared for an emergency situation.

When your business catches on fire, SERVPRO of Denver East & Southwest is here to help. Give us a call!

Overhaul Your Company's Layout for Fire Safety

8/31/2022 (Permalink)

Take Fire Prevention Measures Seriously

Every responsible company takes fire prevention measures seriously. Besides the element of danger, fire damage of any size has the potential to trigger the inconvenient expense of a commercial fire restoration service. Have you arranged your workspace in North Park Hill, CO, so that the odds of a terror-causing blaze have been minimized?

Check Building Safety Equipment
Your first step is to examine every fire safety element already in place. Thoroughly inspect:

  • Fire extinguishers
  • Emergency lighting
  • Sprinkler systems
  • Smoke detectors
  • Escape masks
  • Flashlights

If you remain uncertain as to whether you possess everything necessary for effectively handling a business fire, consult a preparation expert.

Deploy Building Safety Layouts
Many fire prevention measures exist outside of those requiring intense structural reconfiguration. Easy adjustments can be made. For instance, place trash receptacles where blazes are less likely to occur and empty them regularly to prevent flammable overflow. Coffee machines and computers are another easily secured hazard. Adjust their placement so ample space prevents heat from accumulating and causing materials like napkins and notepaper to be set ablaze.
Because of the peril posed by inhalation, rearrange your office with an open design. Such layouts allow smoke to spread, thus reducing fire’s most significant danger. Replace synthetic materials, such as rugs, plastic wastebaskets and vinyl cubicle walls that emit excessive smoke and toxins when burning.
Smoking is a primary cause of unintended fires. Designate an outside space for employees to acquire their nicotine fixes and enforce this rule rigorously. Incentivize its use with an enclosed space that blocks the elements and keeps staffers warm while indulging.
Determine where flammables can most safely be stored. Scan for oily rags and gas cans, encouraging all staffers to report anything suspicious. It may seem unlikely, but arson is a reality.
An oft-neglected aspect of fire prevention is reevaluating your building’s layout. Make efforts to rethink yours and act upon whatever improvements can be made.

4 Stages of the Water Mitigation Process

8/26/2022 (Permalink)

Drying equipment in a hallway, people on the hallway Commercial water mitigation in Hampden, CO

The Following Will Be Done During Mitigation

If your Hampden, CO, building is damaged by water caused by a leak or broken pipe, you will need to go through the restoration process to return it to a safe condition. An important part of the process is mitigation which includes pipe burst cleanup and other steps taken to limit the damage before repairs can begin. 

1. Inspection
Before pipe burst cleanup can be done or any repairs can be made, the water damage remediation company will need to inspect the building. During the inspection, they will locate the source of the problem and determine what areas have suffered damage. Once this is done, they can figure out how to proceed.

2. Water Removal
The first step after the inspection will often be water cleanup. Any excess water will need to be removed from the building to prevent further damage. If allowed to sit too long, water can cause warping wood, rusting metal, and other problems.

3. Drying
Simply removing the excess water is usually not enough to prevent damage. Any moisture that remains can contribute to the growth of mold in your building and can weaken building materials. Dehumidifiers can be useful during this step to remove moisture present in the air as well. This will help prevent high humidity levels.

4. Cleanup
Once the water has been removed and the building has been dried, pipe burst cleanup can officially begin. During this stage, both the building and affected belongings will need to be cleaned. Surfaces will be scrubbed and disinfected. Items that can be salvaged will go through various types of cleaning, including dry cleaning and antibacterial treatments. Severely damaged items may need to be replaced instead.
A supply line leaking or a broken pipe can cause quite a bit of water damage. Having mitigation done as soon as possible will limit this damage and will reduce the amount of time and money that needs to be spent on repairs.

How To Differentiate Mold from Mildew

8/10/2022 (Permalink)

Do I Have Mold or Mildew In My Home?

When you come across possible mildew or mold damage in your Glendale, CO, home, you may be wondering which of the two problems you face. There are a few ways to tell the difference between these two forms of fungi. Here are three things you may want to know.

1. Depth of the Growth

One of the main ways to tell the difference between mildew growth and mold growth is how deep it goes. Mildew tends to grow on the surface, while mold tends to root into the substance it's feeding on. Because of this mold can cause actual damage if it’s allowed to remain.

2. Coloration

Another way to tell the difference between mildew and mold damage is the appearance of the fungi you are looking at. Mildew tends to be thinner in appearance and may range in color from gray to white with occasional yellow tones. Mold on the other hand may look slimy or fuzzy, and it has a full range of colors with gray, white, green, brown, orange, and even black tones.

3. Ease of Removal

As mentioned earlier mildew growth on the surface while mold roots beneath. This can affect the ease of removal. Many cleaners are designed to remove mildew with a spray-on wipe off formula. If you try this method and it fails, odds are you may be facing a mold problem instead. When this is the case it's highly recommended that you contact a local mold remediation service. These professionals will have the ability to remove the mold, clean the area, and then make repairs to any damages that may have been caused.

When determining if you have mildew or mold damage in your home, there are few ways you can check. One of the biggest differences is the depth of growth. You can also look at the coloration of the spores to determine which it may be. Finally, how easy it is to remove may be an indication of which species it is. If you do have mold it's highly recommended to contact a remediation service.

What to Do When Water Gets Into Light Fixtures

7/30/2022 (Permalink)

Common Causes Of Water In Light Incidents

There's no doubt water and electricity make a lethal combination. If it happens, the result is a short circuit that can lead to electrocution or even a fire. These high stakes make it a professional-level problem that should never be attempted by an inexperienced DIYer. Here are some common causes of water in light incidents in Denver, CO:

  • Leaking roof
  • Flooding
  • Pipe bursts

Switch off Power ASAP

Switch off power at the mains, as the first thing, when you notice water in the light. The last thing you want is to touch a light switch or any dripping water before turning off the electricity. Also, most utility systems have separate circuit breakers for lighting and wall sockets, but it's good practice to turn off the master switch to kill power in both of them.
Still, do not assume there is no electricity just because you flipped a switch. Double-check the sockets with a non-contact voltmeter, to be sure.

Turn off the Water

If the leak is coming from a plumbing accident, the next cause of action should be turning off the water supply from the main valve. That should stop the leak temporarily, reducing the risk of water damage and electric shock. Typically, the main valve lives somewhere inside the house, facing the street side. Turn it counterclockwise all the way to cut off the water supply.

Call it In

Next, call a licensed plumber and electrician to fix the issue. The plumber should be able to find and fix the leak efficiently. After that, get someone to repair the ceiling damage and fix any cosmetic issues. Then have an electrician replace the flooded light fixture and flush out any remaining water from the conduits.
That said, the general idea is never to test your DIY talents with a "water in light" situation. Instead, have a reputable restoration company handle it.

The Dangers of Hail for Your Commercial Roof

7/23/2022 (Permalink)

While your commercial building in Hampden, CO, can be vulnerable to a variety of natural disasters, a hailstorm is one of the more destructive ones. Hail can cause many problems for your business, including roof damage. This specific type of damage can severely harm your property if it's not prevented or treated on time. Continue reading to learn more about the effect hail can have on your building and how to prevent it.

The Factors Behind the Damage

The impact of hail damage on your roof can be influenced by several factors. For instance, the size and weight of each hailstone can create different degrees of damage to the roof. Additionally, the roof can successfully absorb the collision of the hailstones depending on the building materials used on it. Other factors that can influence the damage include the speed and direction of the wind, as well as any present barriers.

The Types of Damage

Hail can not only greatly ruin the roof of your business establishment, but it also inflicts additional harm to the entire building.

  • Dents or cracks on the roof
  • Damaged or missing shingles
  • Compromised sheathing
  • Water leaks
  • Water on the attic
  • Wet insulation

The roof damage allows water to enter the location and creates further problems. You might need to contact a roofing specialist and water damage repair to fix both the roof and the affected parts of the building.

Preventing Damage From Hail

The repair process may slow down your productivity and deter consumers away from your business. You can prevent these issues and save on time and expenses by taking active measures against hail damage. Invest in using hail-resistant materials such as copper, plastic, or asphalt to decrease the effect of hail on the shingles. Also, install protection on valuable outdoor items and use storm shutters to protect the windows.
Hailstorms are particularly harsh on your commercial property and roof damage exposes it to additional risks. Focus on this potential damage as you protect and reinforce your commercial roof.

A Homeowner Briefing: Broken Pipes and Insurance

7/11/2022 (Permalink)

Broken Pipes and Insurance

Having a homeowner's insurance policy is necessary to protect your investment, but it takes some work on your side to know what is included or not. Most people know that rising water types of floods are not covered by traditional policies, but what about water damage from a broken pipe? Would that be covered by your plan?

Insurance Coverage for Unexpected Breaks

Each policy should be read carefully for details, but water damage from a pipe that breaks suddenly and without neglect should be covered by most insurance policies. Damage can be mitigated by immediately responding to the flood with the use of a professional restoration company. Services such as water removal, drying, and restoration may also be included in your insurance coverage.

Denied for Negligence

Homeowners have a lot of responsibility for routine maintenance around the home, including maintenance for plumbing. Make sure you keep up with the maintenance of your pipes so that you don't end up with damage from negligence, which may be denied by your insurer. Here are common examples of denials:

• A homeowner ignored a chronic leak and failed to fix a broken pipe, which resulted in a full break and damage to a home.
• Homeowners were not maintaining a warm enough temperature in the home to keep the pipes from freezing during the winter.

Be Your Own Maintenance Manager

A flood is the last thing you want in your home in University Hills, CO. You don't have to be a plumber in order to take care of your plumbing system. You can keep your home reliable and safe by educating yourself about care and routine maintenance for your pipes. Most importantly, never shut off your heat during the winter months, even if you go on vacation, and inspect your system of pipes regularly. These actions will help prevent breaks and all complications of water damage in your home.

Identifying and Treating Mold Damage After Flooding

6/30/2022 (Permalink)

Mold Damage After Flooding: Identifying and Treating the Problem

Water intrusion after a heavy storm or flood can cause significant damage to a home. Even when homeowners have tried to be proactive about preventing storm damage, it may simply not be possible to fully shield a home from the forces of nature. Mold growth is one of the most worrisome examples of damage that homeowners need to resolve in the aftermath of a flood. Here are a few important considerations about this hazardous home damage that homeowners should be aware of.

What Are Signs That Mold Is Forming?
Any extensive water intrusion should automatically trigger concerns about mold. Mold growth may not be perceptible to homeowners right away. However, it is advisable to keep an eye out for these warning signs after a flood:

  • Large areas of yellow or brown discoloration on flooring
  • Small flecks of black or green debris on drywall and door frames
  • Unpleasant or mildewy odors

Any perceptible signs of mold indicate that the problem is serious. Mold that appears confined to a limited area can rapidly spread to other areas through the air.

When Do Homeowners Need To Address Mold Growth?
In standing water, mold and bacteria can form within as little as 24 to 48 hours. A flood that leaves a volume of water that will not evaporate needs urgent removal. As soon as you perceive signs of mold, you need to take action.

How Can You Remove Mold?
After a water intrusion, professional intervention can alleviate concerns about mold spreading throughout your home. A sump pump can vacuum out water to inhibit mold formation. Industrial dehumidifiers and air purifiers can remove mold from the air to stop the spread.
Treating mold damage at the University Of Denver, CO can be an intensive process. Taking steps to address the problem early on could reduce the scope of work that will be necessary to restore your home.

How To Minimize Costs With Business Interruption Insurance

6/21/2022 (Permalink)

When an emergency situation such as flooding from a broken pipe or a natural disaster temporarily closes your business in Glendale, CO, business interruption insurance helps tide you over until you reopen. However, most insurance policies have specific qualifications. Understanding your policy and working with a professional restoration company will lower costs and efficiently get you back in business.

What Is Business Interruption Insurance?

Business interruption insurance, also known as business income coverage, helps cover operating expenses in the case of temporary closure. Policies generally assist with lost net income during the restoration period, as well as help pay for:

  • Taxes
  • Loans
  • Payroll
  • Mortgage or rent

How Can You Lower Costs in the Case of Large Water Damage?
Knowing your policy’s limits and stipulations is key for saving your company time and money. Typically, the restoration period does not start until 48 to 72 hours after an emergency strikes your business. Standard policies limit the restoration period to 30 days, although you can extend this through an added endorsement.
Once you know how long you have to restore your property under your insurance policy, work with an efficient clean-up crew that can help you lower your costs by recovering the damage quickly. Communication with your coverage provider and your restoration company enables you to reopen your doors as soon as possible.

What Does Your Insurance Cover?
It’s also important to know what kind of disasters your insurance covers. Some policies will cover damage from flooding caused by a mechanical problem but won’t cover damage from a natural flood, as that is under different insurance.
Protect your business during the aftermath of a significant disaster like flooding from a burst pipe with a business interruption policy. Understanding how your policy works and working with an efficient team will lower your insurance costs and quickly get your business back on its feet.

4 Tips for Making a Home Fire Escape Plan

6/16/2022 (Permalink)

Home Fire Escape Plan

Fires can start from a variety of sources, such as gas leaks, home appliances, and electrical problems. There are many precautions you can take to help prevent these issues, but if a fire does happen in your home, you need a reliable fire escape plan for your family.

1. Work Together To Make a Solid Plan
Bring everyone in your home together and think about the best ways you can respond to fire according to the layout of your home. Walk from room to room and make sure everyone knows at least two exits from each room. You can help children memorize the layout of your home by having them draw a floor plan for the entire house.

2. Remove Obstacles to the Fire Escape Plan

Make sure that all the windows and doors in your home can be opened easily by all inhabitants. Windows, in particular, tend to get stuck and can be difficult to open. You can make the windows easier to open by cleaning and lubricating the window tracks. Make sure that hallways and rooms are easy to navigate.

3. Select a Meeting Place Outside

Once you have checked the windows and doors and ensured that everyone can navigate the home easily, you should have everyone agree on a meeting place outside the home. Common locations include the home's mailbox or a neighbor's house.

4. Practice the Plan

Completing home fire drills is especially helpful for young children who may need repeated practice to remember the details of the fire escape plan. By practicing twice a year, you can ensure that the members of your household will be ready if a fire occurs.
Fire preparation goes a long way in protecting your family from the risks associated with fires. However, if a fire does happen, it is a good idea to contact a professional fire restoration company in Denver, CO as soon as possible.

Don't Do These 5 Things When You Have Water Damage

5/23/2022 (Permalink)

Pipe break in the wall. A broken pipe in your Hampden, CO, home can lead to damage not only to your property but also to your valuables.

What You Shouldn't Do When You Have Water Damage

A broken pipe in your Hampden, CO, home can lead to damage not only to your property but also to your valuables. Acting rashly could cause more harm. Here's what you shouldn't do when you have water damage.

1. Don't Turn on Electrical Appliances With Flooding
Water in home electrical appliances often won't cause permanent damage so long as you leave them alone until they're completely dry. Until that time, don't turn on any electrical appliances. They'll short out, and you'll have to buy new ones.

2. Don't Use a Standard Vacuum Cleaner
When water damage from a broken pipe occurs, you may be tempted to use the regular vacuum cleaner you always rely on to clean your home. However, a standard household vacuum isn't meant for water, so don't risk ruining your appliance. Instead, contact water damage restoration specialists to safely remove the water from your home.

3. Don't Let Electricity Run in Standing Water
Never wade into standing water in your home if the electricity is running. Water in a socket or a damaged and exposed wire can be problematic. If you can safely reach the circuit breaker, turn off the power in the flooded area.

4. Don't Let Mold Grow
If water from a broken pipe is allowed to stand in your home for even a few hours, mold may start to grow. By acting immediately and getting rid of the water as quickly as possible, you reduce the chance of mold reproducing.

5. Don't Tackle the Job Alone
Because of all the risks involved, it's better to call restoration professionals right away. They have the expertise to remove the water quickly without causing further damage to your house.
Having water damage in your home is a nuisance, but with the right help, it doesn't have to be catastrophic.

3 Ways To Treat Burns in the Workplace

5/21/2022 (Permalink)

Workplace Burns: Three Treatment Options

When a fire occurs at your University Hills, CO, business, and an employee suffers burns, it can cause you as much worry and anxiety as the fire damage you discover in the aftermath. Any kind of burn, no matter its seriousness, is likely to cause pain, and there are a few steps you can take to treat and protect the burn until medical help arrives.

1. Keep the Employee Calm
Your injured employee is likely to feel fear and pain as the result of a burn, so before you render first aid, take him or her to a quiet area and seat them. Check for signs of shock, which may include changes in breathing and cold, clammy skin. Offer water and encourage the employee to rest and stay still while you continue to treat the burn.

2. Use a Burn First Aid Kit
Keeping a first aid kit specifically to treat burns can help you react faster when an employee gets burned trying to fight a blaze and reduce the risk of fire damage. Fresh gauze, cotton or moleskin pads, bandages, burn cooling ointment and topical painkillers are all useful items for your burn kit. Use gauze or the pads to cover the burn, taking care to avoid breaking any blisters that formed after the burn occurred.

3. Use Cool Cloths
No matter the type of burn, using cool, wet cloths to ease the pain and prevent swelling can help keep the employee calm. Have a few employees hold a damp, cold cloth to the burn and stay with the injured person if you must oversee the initial repairs, fire damage reports and the assessment performed by your fire mitigation and restoration company.
Fire injuries at your University Hills, CO, business can be frightening, but you can prepare for an emergency by keeping a burn kit on hand and staying calm to assist an injured employee until medical help arrives.

How a Winter Storm Can Damage Your Home

5/16/2022 (Permalink)

The Effects of a Winter Storm on Your Home

A winter storm at University Of Denver, CO, can damage your home in multiple ways. Wind, snow, rain and cold temperatures can negatively affect various areas of your house, but there are steps you can take to minimize the impact. Take care to prepare for the following situations.

1. Roof Damage
Snow and ice can damage your roof in a couple of ways. Piled-up snow can put too much weight on your roof, potentially causing it to collapse. Snow that melts and refreezes into ice can also create an ice dam. This makes it difficult for water to drain from the roof, causing water to leak into the ceiling underneath. To prevent these problems, remove snow from the roof as soon as you can.

2. Broken Windows
During a blizzard, strong winds can pick up debris and other objects in your yard. If they hit the building, these items can damage the outside of your house and may shatter some windows. If you are expecting a storm, clean your yard and remove or secure any furniture or other objects light enough to be carried by the wind. If there are nearby trees, consider trimming their branches as well.

3. Bursting Pipes
When the temperature drops during a winter storm, cold temperatures can freeze water inside your pipes. The expanding water can cause the pipes to burst and flood your home. Keeping the heat on or insulating exposed pipes can help prevent this from happening. Open cabinets with pipes inside to allow the air to circulate and keep the temperature consistent.
If your home is damaged during a winter storm, professionals can perform emergency restoration to return your home to its previous condition. However, preparing beforehand can save time and money. If you are expecting bad weather, take the necessary steps to get your home ready.

What Is Category 1 Water Damage?

4/26/2022 (Permalink)

Wet carpet floor, content have been placed on top of tables Commercial water damage in Glendale, CO.

What Is Water Damage in Category 1?

Water damage is categorized in different ways based on the cleanliness of the water and what contaminants it may contain. Category 1 is considered clean water.

There are several potential sources of category 1 water:

  • Supply line: broken pipe
  • Overflow: sinks or bathtubs
  • Toilets: broken tank
  • Environmental: rain, snow or ice

Since category 1 is clean water, it will not contaminate things it touches with any harmful microorganisms. Therefore, most items damaged in the flood can able be salvaged by simply drying and cleaning them. However, any type of water can cause mold growth. Mold grows in wet or moist areas, so if the flooding is not properly dried and treated, you could develop a mold problem. Fluid and mold can also deteriorate building materials, such as wood, and cause structural damage. A water damage restoration service in Glendale, CO, can dry the area, clean it with antibacterial sprays to prevent mold growth and check for structural damage.

Cleaning and Drying
Water is an excellent conductor of electricity, meaning contact with water that is touching any part of an electrical circuit can result in electrocution. You should turn off the power in the flooded area before attempting to clean the fluid.
Once the electricity is turned off, you should remove items the water has touched and move them to a place where they can dry. You should then open windows and doors to help dry the area. You can then begin soaking up the water with towels or using a pump to remove the water depending on the extent of the flooding. Once you have removed most of the liquid, you can plug in fans to help dry the area faster. Lastly, you should have a professional treat the area for mold growth.
Category 1 is considered clean water and typically results in less damage than categories 2 and 3. If you know the right cleaning procedures, you can minimize damage and salvage most items that come into contact with the water.

The Complicated World of Mold Insurance Claims

4/11/2022 (Permalink)

Mold Insurance Claims

You can count on commercial insurance to cover your business in Cheesman Park, CO, in the case of many perils. When it comes to mold insurance claims, though, there are several unknowns and gray areas. This isn't too unusual in the insurance industry, but it can be even more complicated when dealing with mold. For this reason, it is always in your best interest to speak in-depth with your insurance agent. Most policies have a fungus exclusion, which rules out coverage and payments, but there is also a thing called limited fungus coverage. This typically does provide some money to business owners for fungus damage, repair and repair under specified and named conditions.

Company Responsibility

There are several situations that are pretty clear when it comes to mold insurance claims. If you have acted negligently or improperly in maintaining your property, the insurance company is unlikely to honor a claim. This can take many forms:

  • Failure to maintain an adequate roof system
  • Failure to repair leaks
  • Incompetence in cleaning up after a flood
  • Failure to act on repairs in a timely fashion

In other words, if your company could have done something to limit damages and did not, and this inaction resulted in mold damage, the insurance provider will deny a mold claim. If you find mold on your property, it is crucial to take swift, appropriate action.

Mold Remediation

A professional mold mitigation franchise is your best protection against a fungal outbreak. A SERVPRO team is Faster to Any Size Disaster and they will come to your facility in a matter of hours. Trained technicians will work to stop and remove any standing water in the building, often the cause of mold growth, and they will take action to contain the spread of microscopic mold spores. The rest of the process includes removal, cleaning and restoration of damages. The franchise, experienced with mold insurance claims, will help document any damages and repair costs to speed up the claims process.

How a Commercial Generator Works and How to Prevent Problems

4/5/2022 (Permalink)

How a Commercial Generator Works

Does your building in North Park Hill, CO, have a commercial generator installed? Are you suffering from generator problems? Some basic info on how these devices work is the difference between success and frustration.

1. Engine and Fuel System

As you might already know, generators don't directly produce electrical energy. They instead convert mechanical or chemical energy into electrical energy. This is done by using the power of movement and forcing electrons through an electrical circuit. For a generator to produce this mechanical or chemical energy inside the engine, it needs a fuel system. There are several parts that all work together to keep the fuel clean, pressurized, and moving through the system properly.

2. Alternator

You also have one of these devices in your vehicle, and it serves the same function: to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy. Oh yes, the engine doesn't do all the work. The alternator works by creating an electromagnetic field to generate electricity. This is all possible because of the movement power generated by the engine.

3. Cooling, Exhaust, and Lubrication

Following the vehicle model here, too, a generator also produces a lot of heat as a car would. To combat this, the small moving parts are all lubricated with oil to allow smooth functioning and slow wear and tear. The cooling system monitors how much heat is being generated and regulates the warning systems. It also tells the exhaust system what quantity of fumes should be expelled as well as when to do so.

4. Preventing Problems

Most problems are preventable with proper care and maintenance of your building's generator. For example, checking the lubrication levels every eight hours of operation prevents the most common wear and tear issues. Similarly, keeping an eye out for any warnings on the control panel helps alert you ahead of time if anything is wrong. If your generator and building are damaged in a storm, it's best to call in maintenance professional as well as any storm cleanup services you might need.
Some knowledge is all it takes to keep a generator in tip-top shape.

5 Steps to File a Claim After a Fire

3/31/2022 (Permalink)

Fire department, furniture moved in living room Fire damage in a Bennett, CO home.

After a Fire, There Are Five Steps To Filing a Claim

A house fire can be a very traumatic event, and you may find it difficult to know what you should do in the immediate aftermath. One of your first moves should be to file an insurance claim as soon as possible. If your home in Bennett, CO has been damaged in a fire, there are some important steps you can take to help you deal with your homeowner’s insurance company successfully and help you begin the fire restoration process.

1. Contact Your Insurance Provider

Once the flames have been put out, it’s imperative that you contact your fire insurance company immediately, preferably within 24 hours. If you received a fire incident report from emergency responders, have it available.

2. Don’t Touch or Remove Items

While your first instinct may be to take personal items or salvageable belongings out of the house, this could actually hinder the claims process, which can also lengthen the time it takes for fire restoration to begin. You may be tempted to start smoke cleaning procedures, as well, but it’s best to wait until your insurance company gives you the go ahead. Depending on your policy, you may be required to allow an adjuster to survey the home in the exact condition it was left after the fire.

3. Secure the Property

Most insurance companies require that you take steps to prevent further damage from occurring. This may include boarding broken windows or placing tarps over the roof to stop potential leaks.

4. Take Inventory

Take photographs of the property to be compared with any pictures you may have of your home before the fire took place. Make a detailed inventory list that includes both damaged and undamaged belongings.

5. Track Communication

Throughout your claim process, keep detailed notes on any conversations you have with representatives from your insurance policy provider. Hold on to copies of any emails or other correspondence that takes place.

Following these steps can ensure that your insurance claim is resolved quickly and smoothly, allowing your clean-up and restoration specialist to get to work on your home’s fire restoration as soon as possible.

Beware of Fire Damage Not Covered by Insurance

3/23/2022 (Permalink)

Four men repairing the ceiling of a building after a fire damage Commercial fire restoration in Hampden, CO.

Watch Out For Fire Damage That Isn't Covered by Insurance

There are many types of fires that can destroy your commercial building, and some of them are probably covered under your insurance policy. However, fire damage can result from different types of special circumstances, so an insurance adjuster is often sent to evaluate the scene and determine if your building is covered. Understanding the fire exclusions in most insurance policies can help you prevent your Hampden, CO, property from incurring those types of damages.

Unusual Circumstances

Many commercial fires result from unusual circumstances, and some of those are covered under most standard policies. This can include events caused by some of the following:

  • Electrical malfunctions
  • Lightning strikes
  • Defective machines

If the source of the fire is determined to be unintentional, the fire damage will probably be covered, and that is good news for the commercial building or property owner.

Coverage Exclusions

Commercial policies often provide separate coverage for the building and business within. For this reason, property owners may be surprised that part of the building and surroundings are often not included in the standard insurance coverage. Here are a few examples of common exclusions:

  • Vehicles, even in parking garages
  • Pavement, sidewalks and parking lots
  • Foundations, including substructures
  • Walls, except as part of the building

Separate policies are available for each of these exclusions, and property owners can purchase the endorsements in almost all areas of the country.

Purposeful Destruction

Another exclusion is arson. A claim for damage resulting from someone intentionally setting a blaze inside the building will almost always be denied, and depending on the circumstances, may also be prosecuted.

If you want to protect your commercial building from fire damage, call in a fire mitigation expert to examine the property and look for possible problems. You can also contact your insurance agent about additions or endorsements to the policy to cover more of your property after a fire. Protecting yourself against a possible destructive fire in a proactive way can help prevent future loss.

Understanding Water Damage Coverage for Your Commercial Property

3/7/2022 (Permalink)

Drying equipment placed in a long hallway of a school Commercial water mitigation in Denver, CO.

Water Damage Coverage for Your Commercial Property: What You Need to Know

Whether you own a commercial property for your business or you’re a landlord to businesses, it’s your responsibility to have property insurance to cover damages. Damage from fire, smoke and water are just a few examples of the type of losses that your policy may cover with certain conditions. Water damage from flooding, a pipe break or an improperly functioning appliance can result in major losses for you or the tenants renting from you in Denver, CO. The bad news is that not all damage from water is considered equal by insurers. For example, a sudden break from a broken water heater might be covered by most policies, while a slow water leak isn’t.

Covering Your Property

It’s important to recognize which types of water damage are covered by your property insurance. The following types of damage are not typically protected:

  • Sewer or sump pump backup
  • Slow water leak
  • Frozen pipe leak

In the case of a sewer or pump backup, it’s possible to purchase additional coverage that addresses that particular issue. You may be alerted to the presence of a slow water leak by an increased water bill. Your insurer may cover damages from a frozen pipe break if you can prove that it occurred due to a sudden event such as a power outage. You’ll need to go over your policy and talk to a provider if additional or tailored coverage is needed.

Cleaning up the Damage

Water cleanup should be handled by providers of commercial building restoration services. They are best equipped to fully repair and restore affected items as well as the structure. They can also minimize the time it takes to get your property back to pre-damage conditions.
When you’re dealing with damage from water, it’s important to contact the professionals quickly. Before that happens, make sure you’re familiar with what is and isn’t covered by your insurance. Talk to your provider if your current coverage is inadequate.

Three Things to Avoid After Experiencing Water Damage to Your Home

2/21/2022 (Permalink)

A home with water damage in its wall by a pipe break This home suffered water damage from a pipe break in the wall. The drywall was damaged, but we restored it back to normal condition. Call us!

Three Things To Stay Away From If Your House Has Been Flooded

If a storm or broken pipe has caused water damage in your Glendale, CO home, you may be at a loss for what to do next. While it may be stressful, you don’t need to panic. There are services that can help you deal with the situation. Aside from panic, here are a few other things you should avoid in the event of water damage.

1. Waiting to Call Your Insurance Agent

One of the first things that you should do in any home emergency is to call your insurance agent. In order to get the most from an insurance claim, you should avoid waiting too long to report the flooding or other damage. It is best to get the process started as quickly as possible, so you should make the call as soon as you are in a safe place, if the damage is severe enough to require relocation.

2. Letting the Water Sit

While you may not be able to take care of the damage completely, if water in the home is left alone, the damage will continue to worsen and may cause walls or floors to become warped. It can also make it easier for a mold growth to develop. There are some things, such as blocking off other areas of the house or placing tarps on damaged windows, that you can do as a temporary measure to keep water from spreading.

3. Attempt to Make Repairs Alone

Once you have reported the damage to your agent, they may recommend a water damage remediation service to take care of the damage. They can further remediate your home to prevent damage while they make repairs to the broken pipe or other sources of water. They can also help to save any of your belongings that are not beyond repair.
If you have water damage from a broken pipe or other problem, keep this advice in mind. It will allow you to take the necessary steps to reduce home damage and get the most from your insurance claim.

What to Know About What Fire Insurance May Not Cover

2/21/2022 (Permalink)

What You Should Know About Fire Insurance Exclusions

If you’ve been through a home fire in Denver, CO, then you may be worried about what your insurance policy will cover. In most cases insurance policies will cover fire damage and restoration. However, if the home is vacant, or the fire was started intentionally, you could be out of luck. Here’s what you should know.

1. About Vacant Home Fires

Insurance companies may not cover a vacant home fire. This is often determined by if no one has lived in the house in over a month. There is good news though. Many insurance companies offer a separate vacant home insurance policy for just this type of scenario. If you have a seasonal home, or will otherwise be away for a long period of time, you can purchase one of these plans to help ensure your home is covered.

2. About Intentionally Started Fires

An intentionally started home fire is also known as arson. This is a type of insurance fraud that insurance companies take very seriously. In many cases when you make a fire claim for your home your insurance company will arrange for an investigator to determine the fire source. Once it’s determined that the fire was accidental, the insurance company can begin processing the claim.

3. About What May Be Covered

If your house fire does not fall under one of the above categories, odds are the plan will cover the damage. Your insurance agent can tell you what’s in your plan and help you take the necessary steps for restoration. In some cases, they may even be able to recommend a fire damage professional to help with cleanup and repairs.

Unless the home was vacant or the fire started intentionally, your home fire should be covered by your policy. It’s important to talk to your agent about what exactly is included, and follow any recommended steps they may have for you.

4 Tips on Conducting an Emergency Fire Drill at Work

2/21/2022 (Permalink)

When Practicing An Emergency Fire Drill At Work, There Are Four Things To Keep In Mind.

Unexpected emergencies can creep up on anyone at any time, even at work. Fires can be one of the most feared dangers because of the smoke, flames, and inability to see. That is why many business owners choose to have a fire drill in place for their employees. Once the drill is in place, employees can be certain of their escape route, which will aid in almost any other possible emergencies as well, such as windstorms, tornadoes, or gas leaks. Here are five steps to help you create a safety drill in Congress Park, CO.

1. Alarms should be distinct. Alarms should also be connected to an auxiliary power source. Make sure the sound of the alarm can be heard throughout the building, including the restrooms and breakrooms. Also, test alarms monthly and replace batteries twice a year. When beginning the drill, use the alarm to familiarize employees with the sound.

2. Give emergency action plan information to all employees. The plan should include an escape route, designated meeting area outside the building, and special safety instructions. Also, consider offering a short presentation once a year on fire drill strategies and ask for employee input.

3. The evacuation route should be tailored to your employee’s needs. The path should be free of debris and allow everyone to exit the building easily. If you employ a disabled individual, the route should accommodate his or her needs as well. Once the path has been established, post signs along the exit walls.

4. Appoint a safety committee to perform a disaster drill monthly. After each drill, management and committee members may consider meeting to discuss concerns about the effectiveness of the drill. This allows you to revise your emergency action plan as needed and contact professionals with any questions that arise.

Conducting a disaster preparedness fire drill at work can keep employees from becoming overwhelmed during a crisis. By using the four steps listed above, you can make sure that if a disaster hits Congress Park, CO, your employees know what to do.

How To Prevent Break Room Fires and Banish Foul Food Odors

1/28/2022 (Permalink)

Couch, walls covered with smoke, debris on the floor Smoke damage in North Park Hill, CO.

How to Avoid Break Room Fires and Get Rid of Bad Food Odors

Having a break room for employees in a commercial building can make the days more pleasant. Being able to brew a fresh cup of tea during a long afternoon or cook hot popcorn can lift everyone’s spirits and ease the work along. Improper use of appliances and careless housekeeping, however, can at best lead to foul odors and at worst set off dangerous fires.

One dreaded workplace scenario is burned popcorn. Property owners and managers may not realize, though, that smoke cleanup methods from a professional fire restoration company may also include effective building deodorization. The following measures can fend off break room fires and prevent burned food from wafting foul odors throughout the facility.

• Think heavy-duty. In a workplace break room, use only industrial-grade appliances that are UL-listed.

• Forget extension cords. Plug all appliances directly into outlets with proper overcurrent protection such as breakers and GFCIs.

• Get detection. Install smoke and heat detection devices in all break rooms. These systems should be monitored by a central station.

• Clean up. Keep all appliances and outlets free from dirt and debris. Doing so not only helps with safety considerations, but it can also reduce unpleasant odors.

A Dreaded Workplace Break Room Mishap

Everyone in the office immediately knows it has happened. Burned popcorn never stays a secret. The smell wafts through every air vent and settles into each office, lobbies and waiting areas so that customers are greeted by the stench while employees have to work on despite the bad smell.

Many commercial property owners and managers have a fire restoration and cleanup team on file in the event of a major disaster. However, this same specialist company can also clean foul odors from the air using advanced equipment and techniques so that everyone can breathe easier.

If your office in North Park Hill, CO, is riddled with burned popcorn smell, a fire restoration company experienced in smoke cleanup can provide thorough building deodorization from unpleasant break room odors. Work and business go better and smoother in a safe, clean environment.

4 Steps To Stop Mold Growth

1/28/2022 (Permalink)

walls of a bedroom covered with mold growth Mold can grow anywhere if moisture and organic material are present.

Stop Mold Growth At a Residence 

Mold can grow anywhere if moisture and organic material are present. Mold spores are everywhere, and an environment that has everything necessary for fungi to thrive runs a high risk of developing a mold problem. Mold can start growing in as little as 24 to 48 hours after water damage. Take these four steps to stop mold growth at a residence in Cheesman Park, CO.

1. Reduce Moisture

Lowering moisture levels is the single most important mold prevention method. Mold requires moisture and a source of food in order to grow. Extract excess water introduced to a residence from any source and run a dehumidifier to draw out residual moisture.

2. Schedule a Mold Test

If your home has recently experienced water damage, it may be advisable to schedule a mold test. An environmental hygienist or mold specialist can take air or spore samples to determine which species of mold are present and determine the extent of an infestation.

3. Make a Remediation Plan

If less than 10 square feet of visible, non-toxigenic mold is present, a homeowner can take steps to clean up and prevent the damage. It is advisable to seek assistance from a mold damage remediation service for a widespread infestation or one involving hidden mold or toxigenic species.

4. Clean or Tear Out Moldy Materials

Mold prevention and remediation experts can recommend which materials can be cleaned and which should be torn out or disposed of and replaced. In general, hard surfaces with superficial mold are better candidates for cleaning than porous materials such as carpet or drywall.

These steps can be useful for stopping mold growth at a residence in Cheesman Park, CO. While mitigating water damage and reducing moisture may be enough to slow or stop active growth, mold spores may continue to spread to more advantageous areas until existing colonies are eliminated.

4 Ways To Keep Your Home’s Pedestal or Submersible Pump in Tiptop Shape

1/12/2022 (Permalink)

Four Ways To Keep Your Sump Pump In Excellent Condition

Your Congress Park, CO, home has a basement or crawl space, which is convenient both for access and roominess. However, many basements and crawl spaces are below water tables. When water rises outside, the pedestal or submersible pump in your basement removes it before it can cause damage. Here are four ways to keep your home’s sump pump in excellent condition.

1. Inspect the Pump

The only way to know whether you need pump maintenance is to routinely inspect the equipment. Remember, sump pumps often operate only a few months out of each year. The rest of the time, they are dormant. Before the rainy season, pull the pump out of its hole and take a look at it. If you see cracks, corrosion or other signs of damage, you may need to replace the pump.

2. Consult the Owner’s Manual

Some pedestal and submersible pumps require re-greasing. With others, you must occasionally replace worn or brittle gaskets. Your pump’s owner’s manual should tell you what type of routine maintenance you must perform to keep the pump operating optimally.

3. Test the Electrical System

Your sump pump runs on electricity. Therefore, it has a cord and a motor. It may also have an internal fuse. To avoid flooding, test electrical functionality every few months. Specifically, inspect the cord and outlet for wear and tear. Also, pour a bucket of water into the hole to see if the pump engages.

4. Look at the Sump

The hole that your pump sits inside is called the sump. As you may suspect, this space can accumulate debris. At least once per year, remove the pump and inspect the sump. If you notice dirt, rocks or other debris, remove it to avoid clogging your pump.

If your sump pump fails, an emergency restoration service can clean up flood damage and mitigate mold or mildew. Before you get to that point, though, follow these tips to keep your pump in tiptop shape.


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