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Archived Water Damage Blog Posts

Restoring Indoor Air Quality After Water Damage: Essential Steps for a Healthy Environment

6/12/2024 (Permalink)

SERVPRO working on remediation In this blog, we will explore the critical steps and methods for restoring indoor air quality after water damage.

Water damage to your property can have far-reaching effects, including compromising indoor air quality. Restoring indoor air quality after water damage is essential to ensure a healthy living environment for you and your family. In this blog, we will explore the critical steps and methods for restoring indoor air quality after water damage, providing you with a comprehensive guide for effective restoration.

Promptly Address Water Intrusion

Addressing water intrusion promptly is the first step in restoring indoor air quality after water damage. Whether it's due to a burst pipe, flooding, or a leaky roof, it is essential to address the source of water intrusion to prevent further damage and mitigate potential air quality issues.

Remove Standing Water and Moisture

Standing water and excess moisture are breeding grounds for mold, mildew, and bacteria, all of which can significantly impact indoor air quality. Using professional-grade water extraction equipment, such as pumps and industrial wet vacuums, remove standing water and thoroughly dry the affected areas to prevent mold and microbial growth.

Thoroughly Clean and Sanitize Surfaces

After water extraction, it is crucial to thoroughly clean and sanitize all affected surfaces. Use appropriate cleaning agents and disinfectants to eliminate any potential contaminants and ensure that the indoor environment is safe for occupancy.

Inspect and Remediate Mold and Mildew

Water damage can lead to the growth of mold and mildew, which can have a detrimental impact on indoor air quality. Conduct a thorough inspection for any signs of mold and mildew, and if found, engage in professional remediation to ensure that the indoor air quality is not compromised.

Ensure Proper Ventilation

Proper ventilation is essential for restoring indoor air quality after water damage. Utilize natural ventilation (opening windows and doors) and mechanical ventilation (such as fans and dehumidifiers) to circulate air and remove excess moisture, odors, and potential contaminants from the indoor environment.

Professional Air Duct Cleaning

Water damage can also affect the ductwork and HVAC systems, leading to potential contamination of the indoor air. Engage the services of a professional air duct cleaning company to thoroughly clean and sanitize the ductwork, ensuring that the circulated air is free from any water damage-related contaminants.

Monitor and Maintain Indoor Humidity Levels

Maintaining proper indoor humidity levels is vital for restoring and maintaining indoor air quality after water damage. High humidity levels can promote mold and bacterial growth, while low humidity levels can cause discomfort and respiratory issues. Regularly monitor and control indoor humidity using dehumidifiers or other moisture control equipment.

Restoring indoor air quality after water damage is crucial for creating a healthy and safe living environment. By promptly addressing water intrusion, removing standing water and moisture, thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing surfaces, inspecting and remediating mold and mildew, ensuring proper ventilation, engaging in professional air duct cleaning, and maintaining indoor humidity levels, you can effectively restore indoor air quality after water damage.

Remember, professional help is always recommended in cases of water damage. SERVPRO® specializes in water damage restoration and has the expertise and equipment to ensure that your property's indoor air quality is restored to optimal levels.

By following these steps and engaging the services of a reputable restoration company, you can effectively restore indoor air quality after water damage and ensure a healthy indoor environment for you and your loved ones.

How to Prevent Bacterial Growth After Water Leaks

2/14/2024 (Permalink)

Wall with exposed insulation due to the drywall being removed. At SERVPRO of Denver East, our experienced team specializes in efficient and thorough water damage restoration.

Water leaks into your home or business is not only a hassle but can also pose risks due to potential bacterial growth. Whether from a burst pipe, flooding, or leaks, the aftermath of water damage requires swift action to prevent the proliferation of harmful bacteria. In this blog, we'll explore effective strategies to thwart bacterial growth after water intrusion, ensuring a safer environment for you and your loved ones.

Understanding the Risk: Bacterial Growth After Water Intrusion

When water infiltrates your property, it creates a breeding ground for various bacteria and microorganisms. These can include harmful pathogens like E. coli, Salmonella, and other potentially hazardous microbes. Factors such as standing water, elevated humidity, and organic materials like wood, carpeting, or drywall provide an ideal environment for bacterial proliferation.

Immediate Steps to Mitigate Bacterial Growth

Acting promptly after water intrusion is crucial in preventing bacterial growth. Here are essential steps to take:

  1. Safety First: Prioritize safety by turning off electrical sources in affected areas to avoid potential hazards.
  2. Prompt Water Removal: Begin water extraction and drying processes immediately. Use towels, mops, or wet/dry vacuums to remove standing water.
  3. Thorough Cleaning: Disinfect affected surfaces with a solution of water and a disinfectant approved by health authorities. Pay special attention to areas prone to moisture and organic material, such as carpets, walls, and furniture

Key Strategies for Preventing Bacterial Growth

  1. Ensure Proper Ventilation: Increase airflow by opening windows and using fans or dehumidifiers to aid in drying out the space.
  2. Thorough Drying: Completely dry affected areas within 48 hours to impede bacterial growth. Use industrial-grade drying equipment for larger areas.
  3. Professional Inspection and Restoration: Seek assistance from water damage restoration professionals like our SERVPRO® team to ensure thorough assessment, specialized equipment, and effective restoration techniques.
  4. Regular Monitoring: Continuously check for signs of moisture or mold growth, especially in hidden or less accessible areas.

Long-Term Protection: Maintenance and Prevention

After addressing immediate concerns, consider these preventive measures:

  1. Regular Inspections: Periodically inspect your property for leaks, cracks, or potential water entry points.
  2. Proper Insulation: Ensure proper insulation in areas prone to condensation or moisture buildup.
  3. Prompt Repairs: Address any plumbing issues or roof leaks promptly to prevent water intrusion.
  4. Education and Preparedness: Educate yourself and your family or employees about actions to take in the event of water intrusion to minimize risks.

Trust SERVPRO® for Expert Water Damage Restoration

At SERVPRO of Denver East, our experienced team specializes in efficient and thorough water damage restoration. Equipped with advanced technology and expertise, we mitigate water damage effectively, reducing the risk of bacterial growth and ensuring your property's safety. Call our SERVPRO® team for professional assessment and restoration services to protect your space against bacterial growth after water leaks!

Restoration or Replacement: Making the Right Choices After Water Damage

10/16/2023 (Permalink)

2 SERVPRO trucks parked on a jobsite. SERVPRO® of Denver East is here to assist you in restoring your belongings and property back to their pre-damage condition.

Water damage can be a common issue, often due to heavy rains, storms, or plumbing mishaps. When water intrusion strikes your Denver home or business, one of the critical decisions you'll face is whether to salvage or replace damaged items. In this blog, we'll provide valuable insights to help you make an informed choice.

Assess the Extent of Damage

Before making any decisions, assess the extent of the water damage. Some items may appear beyond repair at first glance but could potentially be salvaged with professional restoration services. Consider factors such as the type of water damage (clean water, greywater, or blackwater), the duration of exposure, and the material of the damaged items.

Prioritize Safety First

Your safety and that of your loved ones should always come first. Ensure the property is safe to enter and check for any electrical hazards or structural damage. Wear protective gear, including masks and gloves, when dealing with water-damaged areas.

Consult with Professionals

Engage the expertise of professionals, like SERVPRO® of Denver East, to assess the damage. Experienced restoration specialists can provide insights into which items are salvageable and which are not. They have the knowledge and tools to restore many items to their pre-damage condition.

Evaluate Sentimental Value

Some items may hold significant sentimental value, making them worth the effort and investment required for restoration. Consult with family members to determine the emotional importance of certain possessions.

Consider Replacement Costs

While restoring items can be cost-effective, it's essential to weigh the cost of restoration against the cost of replacement. In some cases, especially with readily available and affordable items, replacement may be the more practical choice.

Insurance Coverage

Check your insurance policy to see what is covered in terms of water damage restoration. Insurance may cover the cost of restoring or replacing damaged items, depending on your policy.

Prevent Future Damage

Once the decision is made to salvage and restore items, take proactive measures to prevent future water damage. Address any underlying issues that led to the damage, such as leaks or inadequate drainage.

Salvaging vs. replacing items after water damage in Denver requires a thoughtful evaluation of various factors, including safety, sentimental value, cost, and environmental impact. Seeking professional advice is crucial in making informed decisions. Remember, SERVPRO® of Denver East is here to assist you in restoring your cherished possessions and property to their pre-damage condition, ensuring that your Denver home or business can thrive once again.

6 Things You Should Know About Water Damage

7/18/2023 (Permalink)

Water damage is a common and often devastating occurrence that can wreak havoc on homes and businesses alike. Understanding the key aspects of water damage is crucial for prompt and effective mitigation. In this blog, we will explore six essential things you should know about water damage, equipping you with the knowledge to take immediate action and minimize the impact of such incidents.

Water Damage Can Occur Anywhere

Water damage is not limited to areas prone to flooding or extreme weather. It can happen in any location and for various reasons, such as plumbing failures, roof leaks, appliance malfunctions, or even human error. Being aware of the potential risks and taking preventive measures is essential to protect your property.

Act Quickly to Mitigate Damage

Time is of the essence when it comes to water damage. The longer water sits, the greater the damage becomes. Promptly addressing the issue by shutting off the water source, removing standing water, and initiating the drying process can significantly reduce the extent of damage and prevent secondary issues like mold growth.

Water Damage Extends Beyond the Visible

While the immediate signs of water damage may be evident, such as wet floors or soaked furniture, there could be hidden damage as well. Water can seep into walls, flooring, and structural components, leading to structural instability and potential health hazards. Professional assessment and moisture detection tools are necessary to identify and address hidden water damage.

Contaminated Water Poses Risks

Not all water is the same when it comes to damage. Contaminated water, such as sewage backups or water from natural disasters, can contain harmful bacteria, viruses, or chemicals. This type of water damage requires specialized cleanup procedures to ensure the safety of occupants and prevent the spread of disease.

Restoration Requires Professional Expertise

Proper water damage restoration goes beyond just drying out the affected areas. It involves thorough cleanup, decontamination, structural repairs, and addressing any mold or mildew growth. Engaging the services of a professional disaster restoration company ensures the restoration process is done correctly, minimizing long-term damage and health risks.

Insurance Coverage and Documentation

Water damage can be a costly affair, but insurance coverage may help mitigate the financial burden. It is essential to understand your insurance policy's coverage for water damage and document the incident thoroughly with photographs, videos, and written descriptions. Promptly filing a claim and providing accurate documentation can expedite the reimbursement process.

If you encounter water damage in your home or business, it is crucial to contact a professional disaster restoration company like SERVPRO of Denver East. Our experienced team is equipped with the knowledge and resources to handle all aspects of water damage restoration, providing you with peace of mind during the recovery process.

For expert water damage restoration services, contact SERVPRO of Denver East. We are available 24/7 to assist you in times of water damage emergencies.

How to Find Your Home's Main Water Shut-Off Valve

2/28/2023 (Permalink)

A main water shut-off valve is a crucial piece of equipment that can be the difference between a complete disaster and a relatively easy cleanup. While you should always keep emergency contact numbers near your phone, knowing where your main water shut-off is located in case of an emergency can help save time, money, and stress.

Find the water shut-off valve inside your home

After discovering a leak, the first thing you should do is locate and shut off the main water valve in your home. The water shut-off valve is typically located on the perimeter of your home, usually in a basement, garage, or utility room. Remember, shutting off this valve will cut off the water to the entire house.

Shut off the water close to the source

Toilets, sinks, washing machines, and dishwashers are all common places for leaks to occur. If any of these appliances spring a leak or become otherwise damaged or broken, it would be in your best interest to shut off their corresponding water valves as soon as possible. Here is where you should look for a shut-off valve:

Sink - The shut-off valve is usually right under the sink, attached to the wall.

Toilet - Look underneath your toilet or against the wall behind your toilet to locate the shut-off valves.

Washing Machine - The shut-off valves are most often located behind the washing machine. They are either clearly visible on the wall. If not, you will need to slide the washing machine out from its position to locate the valves.

The shut-off valves should all be easy to find and access. It should also be simple enough for you—or anyone else who might need access—to turn them on their own without much effort.

Find the water shut-off valve outside your home

The next step is to locate the main water shut-off valve outside your home. It will usually be located where your property meets the street or sidewalk and is often marked by a metal or plastic utility box. If you can't find this box on your own, you can contact your local plumber or water cleanup professional to get more information about locating it. Once you've found it, open the lid of this box, and turn the valve.

Locating the water shut-off valve is important

The first step to knowing how to find your home's main water shut-off valve is to know what areas to look in. If there’s an emergency, like a burst pipe or flooding in the basement, you'll want to know where this valve is located so that you can turn off the water supply until repair crews arrive.

The water shut-off valve is one of the most important items you should have in your home. It's easy to find, but make sure that you know where it is and how to use it so that you can turn off your water if there's an emergency. The water shut-off valve can be located inside or outside your home.

Reasons Why Your Dishwasher Might Be Leaking

11/14/2022 (Permalink)

Leaking Dishwasher

When your dishwasher is leaking, it can be an annoying experience. It can also be very frustrating. You want to get your dishwasher back up and running again so that you can use it. However, sometimes repairing a leaking dishwasher is not as simple as just replacing the part that needs to be replaced; there are a few other steps that you should take before making any repairs. Take this article with you as we walk through how to fix a leaking dishwasher step by step so that yours will no longer leak!

Overfilling and Detergent

Use the correct amount of detergent and don’t overfill your dishwasher. You should only fill the detergent spot to about one-third of its capacity. You also want to make sure that you don’t put too many dishes in at once. It may also help to make sure that you have used a rinse aid.

Clogged Vent and Drain Paths

You might also have a clogged vent and drain path. This can be caused by a clogged dishwasher drain line, which is often caused by food debris that gets stuck in the hose and then blocks it up. Also, if you don’t clean out your dishwasher regularly, eventually the food debris will build up and cause a blockage.

You can check this by removing the bottom panel of your dishwasher (the one with all of those wheels on it) to see if there is any blockage there. If you find some food debris inside, remove it with tweezers or needle nose pliers before running another cycle without any dishes inside — this will allow all of that water from rinsing to drain properly so that your dishwasher won’t flood again later on down the road!

Clogged Spray Arm Holes

The next thing to check is the spray arm. It may have become clogged with food or other debris, preventing water from reaching it. If your dishwasher does not have a removable spray arm, you will need to replace the entire dishwasher if this is the problem.

If you are able to remove the spray arm, inspect it for any signs of clogs or damage and clean it as necessary before reinstalling it into your machine.

Loose/Worn Gasket/Seals

The first thing to check is the gasket around your dishwasher door. If it's torn or worn, you'll want to replace it with a new one. Make sure that all of your seals are intact and not torn or stretched out in any way- this can make them unable to properly seal against water pressure, which will cause leaks. Check that the drain hose isn't clogged with debris or food particles as well; if so, clean out any debris using warm water and soap before using your machine again.

Loose Supply Line Connection

If you're one of the lucky ones and your dishwasher is still under warranty, you might be able to get it fixed for free. If not, then you'll have to pay for repairs yourself. In that case, here are some tips on how to prevent this problem from happening again:

  • Check the supply line connection periodically for looseness. If it's loose, tighten it with pliers or an adjustable wrench until all play is gone from the connection.
  • Replace worn-out gaskets around your faucet (the threaded ring under your handle). These gaskets can wear out over time and cause leaks in your supply lines and elsewhere in your sink as well!

In order to ensure that the leak doesn't get any worse, turn off the water supply before doing anything else. Then, remove all items from inside of it so that they won’t be damaged by water or other debris while you work on fixing it (also make sure they are dry before storing them). If there are any tools in your dishwasher that may cause injury if they fall out accidentally (like a knife), move them outside of its working space so that they aren’t accidentally activated when opening up the door or removing items from inside it later on down below once everything has been repaired successfully too!

We hope you learned a new thing or two about dishwasher leaks, and that you can now identify the problem! Weeny our dishwasher overflows and floods your kitchen, give SERVPRO of Denver East & Southwest a call, and we will get your Denver, CO home back to normal as soon as possible!

What to Do When Water Gets Into Light Fixtures

7/30/2022 (Permalink)

Common Causes Of Water In Light Incidents

There's no doubt water and electricity make a lethal combination. If it happens, the result is a short circuit that can lead to electrocution or even a fire. These high stakes make it a professional-level problem that should never be attempted by an inexperienced DIYer. Here are some common causes of water in light incidents in Denver, CO:

  • Leaking roof
  • Flooding
  • Pipe bursts

Switch off Power ASAP

Switch off power at the mains, as the first thing, when you notice water in the light. The last thing you want is to touch a light switch or any dripping water before turning off the electricity. Also, most utility systems have separate circuit breakers for lighting and wall sockets, but it's good practice to turn off the master switch to kill power in both of them.
Still, do not assume there is no electricity just because you flipped a switch. Double-check the sockets with a non-contact voltmeter, to be sure.

Turn off the Water

If the leak is coming from a plumbing accident, the next cause of action should be turning off the water supply from the main valve. That should stop the leak temporarily, reducing the risk of water damage and electric shock. Typically, the main valve lives somewhere inside the house, facing the street side. Turn it counterclockwise all the way to cut off the water supply.

Call it In

Next, call a licensed plumber and electrician to fix the issue. The plumber should be able to find and fix the leak efficiently. After that, get someone to repair the ceiling damage and fix any cosmetic issues. Then have an electrician replace the flooded light fixture and flush out any remaining water from the conduits.
That said, the general idea is never to test your DIY talents with a "water in light" situation. Instead, have a reputable restoration company handle it.

Don't Do These 5 Things When You Have Water Damage

5/23/2022 (Permalink)

Pipe break in the wall. A broken pipe in your Hampden, CO, home can lead to damage not only to your property but also to your valuables.

What You Shouldn't Do When You Have Water Damage

A broken pipe in your Hampden, CO, home can lead to damage not only to your property but also to your valuables. Acting rashly could cause more harm. Here's what you shouldn't do when you have water damage.

1. Don't Turn on Electrical Appliances With Flooding
Water in home electrical appliances often won't cause permanent damage so long as you leave them alone until they're completely dry. Until that time, don't turn on any electrical appliances. They'll short out, and you'll have to buy new ones.

2. Don't Use a Standard Vacuum Cleaner
When water damage from a broken pipe occurs, you may be tempted to use the regular vacuum cleaner you always rely on to clean your home. However, a standard household vacuum isn't meant for water, so don't risk ruining your appliance. Instead, contact water damage restoration specialists to safely remove the water from your home.

3. Don't Let Electricity Run in Standing Water
Never wade into standing water in your home if the electricity is running. Water in a socket or a damaged and exposed wire can be problematic. If you can safely reach the circuit breaker, turn off the power in the flooded area.

4. Don't Let Mold Grow
If water from a broken pipe is allowed to stand in your home for even a few hours, mold may start to grow. By acting immediately and getting rid of the water as quickly as possible, you reduce the chance of mold reproducing.

5. Don't Tackle the Job Alone
Because of all the risks involved, it's better to call restoration professionals right away. They have the expertise to remove the water quickly without causing further damage to your house.
Having water damage in your home is a nuisance, but with the right help, it doesn't have to be catastrophic.

Understanding Water Damage Coverage for Your Commercial Property

3/7/2022 (Permalink)

Drying equipment placed in a long hallway of a school Commercial water mitigation in Denver, CO.

Water Damage Coverage for Your Commercial Property: What You Need to Know

Whether you own a commercial property for your business or you’re a landlord to businesses, it’s your responsibility to have property insurance to cover damages. Damage from fire, smoke and water are just a few examples of the type of losses that your policy may cover with certain conditions. Water damage from flooding, a pipe break or an improperly functioning appliance can result in major losses for you or the tenants renting from you in Denver, CO. The bad news is that not all damage from water is considered equal by insurers. For example, a sudden break from a broken water heater might be covered by most policies, while a slow water leak isn’t.

Covering Your Property

It’s important to recognize which types of water damage are covered by your property insurance. The following types of damage are not typically protected:

  • Sewer or sump pump backup
  • Slow water leak
  • Frozen pipe leak

In the case of a sewer or pump backup, it’s possible to purchase additional coverage that addresses that particular issue. You may be alerted to the presence of a slow water leak by an increased water bill. Your insurer may cover damages from a frozen pipe break if you can prove that it occurred due to a sudden event such as a power outage. You’ll need to go over your policy and talk to a provider if additional or tailored coverage is needed.

Cleaning up the Damage

Water cleanup should be handled by providers of commercial building restoration services. They are best equipped to fully repair and restore affected items as well as the structure. They can also minimize the time it takes to get your property back to pre-damage conditions.
When you’re dealing with damage from water, it’s important to contact the professionals quickly. Before that happens, make sure you’re familiar with what is and isn’t covered by your insurance. Talk to your provider if your current coverage is inadequate.

Three Things to Avoid After Experiencing Water Damage to Your Home

2/21/2022 (Permalink)

A home with water damage in its wall by a pipe break This home suffered water damage from a pipe break in the wall. The drywall was damaged, but we restored it back to normal condition. Call us!

Three Things To Stay Away From If Your House Has Been Flooded

If a storm or broken pipe has caused water damage in your Glendale, CO home, you may be at a loss for what to do next. While it may be stressful, you don’t need to panic. There are services that can help you deal with the situation. Aside from panic, here are a few other things you should avoid in the event of water damage.

1. Waiting to Call Your Insurance Agent

One of the first things that you should do in any home emergency is to call your insurance agent. In order to get the most from an insurance claim, you should avoid waiting too long to report the flooding or other damage. It is best to get the process started as quickly as possible, so you should make the call as soon as you are in a safe place, if the damage is severe enough to require relocation.

2. Letting the Water Sit

While you may not be able to take care of the damage completely, if water in the home is left alone, the damage will continue to worsen and may cause walls or floors to become warped. It can also make it easier for a mold growth to develop. There are some things, such as blocking off other areas of the house or placing tarps on damaged windows, that you can do as a temporary measure to keep water from spreading.

3. Attempt to Make Repairs Alone

Once you have reported the damage to your agent, they may recommend a water damage remediation service to take care of the damage. They can further remediate your home to prevent damage while they make repairs to the broken pipe or other sources of water. They can also help to save any of your belongings that are not beyond repair.
If you have water damage from a broken pipe or other problem, keep this advice in mind. It will allow you to take the necessary steps to reduce home damage and get the most from your insurance claim.